Omnichannel Re-Marketing App for Shopify Stores
Omnichannel Re-Marketing App for Shopify Stores
If you’re a Shopify user, I bet you’ve already tried out some of its default marketing and promotion tools. So, of course, you must have noticed that while a few of the features are pretty decent, the bulk of its default customer engagement functionalities leave much to be desired. Call it what you want, but the truth of the matter is, Shopify just doesn’t offer the marketing features you need to properly drive conversions. But, on the bright side, at least the platform is flexible enough to support a wide range of third-party app integrations. Now, at the top of my integrations wish list are marketing apps. I’m always on the lookout for the best marketing apps on the Shopify App Store. Consequently, an omnichannel marketing app with an overall rating of 4.8 stars from more than 600 reviews is one thing you can bet I wouldn’t fail to notice. And that’s how I discovered Firepush, which happens to be an omnichannel marketing app for Shopify, capable of email marketing, SMS marketing, web push messages, plus Facebook messenger marketing.   And that’s how I discovered Firepush, which happens to be an omnichannel marketing app for Shopify, capable of email marketing, SMS marketing, web push messages, plus Facebook messenger marketing. That said,  we’ve taken the time to test out all the Firepush features on Shopify . And this Firepush reviews piece provides an unbiased report of everything- from its marketing functionalities and pricing, to its accompanying weaknesses. So, let’s lay bare everything about it. What does Firepush pack in its engine? And what exactly does omnichannel marketing entail in the first place? What is Omnichannel Marketing? Remember the last time you interacted with prospects or customers on different platforms? I guess you probably combined email with social media messaging. Or perhaps you also engaged the leads using pop-ups on your site or SMS messages, and the whole thing did not follow a systematic pattern. Each channel possibly had its own distinct campaign, complete with independent variables and different sets of customers. Now that’s what you call a multichannel marketing strategy. It’s all about casting the net far and wide to drive as many engagements as possible. The only problem, however, is this – the channels are disconnected and each one tends to operate independently. Well, that’s precisely what omnichannel marketing seeks to address. This approach goes over and above multichannel marketing to unite and streamline all the channels. The end result is a holistically inter-connected marketing framework that offers a continuous engagement experience as customers switch between the channels. In short, therefore, you can think of omnichannel marketing as an integrated and well-organized multichannel system. The subsequent seamless communication workflows are effective when it comes to customer engagement, and they’ve been shown to increase conversion rates by over 250%. It doesn’t end there though. During the actual purchase process, customers engaged via continuous omnichannel experiences typically spend 13% morethan other buyers. Then to top it off, businesses with robust omnichannel engagement systems have a customer retention rate of 89%. So, clearly, omnichannel marketing translates to optimized engagement experiences and improved conversions. Now back to the main subject. Is Firepush capable of achieving such a seamless communication workflow? Let’s find out by assessing the app from all the possible angles. Firepush Reviews – Overview Firepush is essentially an automated omnichannel marketing app for Shopify . It combines email marketing, SMS marketing, web push messages, and Facebook messenger marketing on one centralized dashboard. The channels then work in tandem to support each other accordingly as well as streamline marketing campaigns. As a result, you can proceed to launch full-fledged campaigns even when the contact information is not uniform for all your customers.